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Vitotox™ 10 kit

Gentaur Vitotox™ 10 kit

Genotoxicity and Cytotoxcity test

The GENTAUR Vitotox™ 10 Kit is a unique method for rapid and cost effective high-throughput genotoxicity and toxicity screening.

Two recombinant Salmonella typhimurium TA104 test strains are used in the assay to determine simultaneously both genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of the sample. The test is based on luciferase reporter gene system which activity is measured by light emission and is a function of the genotoxicity of the test compound. Normally, the luciferase reporter gene is strongly repressed, but in the presence of a DNA damaging genotoxic compound the initiation of a cascade of reactions known as the SOS response will take place leading to derepression of the very strong promoter controlling the luciferase gene.



·     Very small amount of sample required                 

·     High reproducibility and sensitivity                 

·     Very good correlation with AMES test                

·     Rapid answers in only 3 hours                  

·     Low labor costs; automatic reading of kinetic data         

·     No test organism maintenance required                 



Gentaur Vitotox™ 10 kit

One of the major benefits over the Ames test is that the entire DNA content of the cell functions as a target for the genotoxin to display its effect. In contrast, the Ames test monitors mutations only in genes related to histidine synthesis. This results in a significantly lower sample concentrations (up to 1000 fold) required for the Vitotox™ 10 Kit.



Product Name

Number of samples



 Vitotox 10 kit


€ 3,300





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Copyright 2009 Gentaur

Last modified: 05/27/09