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GeBAGel Protein Electrophoresis kit

Gentaur GeBARunner mini electrophoresis unit 

The GeBAGel horizontal electrophoresis system is a revolutionary pre-cast polyacrylamide mini-gel system. GeBAGel is the only ready-to-use pre-cast system providing horizontal mode operation.

The system covers two types of gels: protein GeBAGel and peptide GeBAGel both of which are run with  tris-glycine based running buffer. GeBAGel gels contain no SDS, making them ideal for protein analysis, under both native and denatured electrophoresis conditions, and for low molecular weight DNA or RNA analysis. Available per 2 or 8 gels in several gradients in 10 wells.

Cost Effective

·    No need for adaptors

·    No need for accessories

·    No special loading tips required

·    Only 180 ml of running buffer needed

·    Standard tris-glycine running buffer for all gels

·    Standard membrane transfer buffer

User Friendly

·    No leakage

·    No cumbersome assembly

·    Same gel for protein, DNA and RNA

·    60 minute run time





Product Name




GeBARunner, mini electrophoresis unit

1 device

€ 107


GeBaGels, 10%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBaGels, 12%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBaGels, 4- 12%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBaGels, 8-16%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBaGels, 4-20%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBAGel Peptide, 17%, 15 wells

8 gels

€ 87


GeBaGels, 10%, 10 wells

2 gels

€ 44


GeBaGels, 12%, 15 wells

2 gels

€ 44


GeBAGel Peptide, 17%, 15 wells

2  gels

€ 44

GebaPROMO         GeBARunner + one set of 8 gels          1 Promo  € 200



Check also, our other products here.



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Copyright 2009 Gentaur

Last modified: 05/27/09