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EtBr Substitutes

A safer way of staining!

GelRed™ and GelGreen™ represent a new generation of fluorescent nucleic acid gel stains designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr) for staining dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in agarose gels or polyacrylamide gels. GelRed and GelGreen are superior to EtBr and other EtBr alternatives by having a combination of low toxicity, superior sensitivity and exceptional stability.

Gentaur EtBr Substitutes     Gentaur EtBr Substitutes     Gentaur EtBr Substitutes


·     Nonmutagenic and noncytotoxic

·     Safe to aquatic life for direct disposal in the drain

·     Suitable for staining either DNA or RNA

·     Much more sensitive than EtBr

·     No need to change the instrument setting used for EtBr 

·     Perfectly stable at room temperature


Gentaur EtBr Substitutes    Gentaur EtBr Substitutes    Gentaur EtBr Substitutes


GelRed™ and GelGreen™ dyes are unable to cross cell membranes, thus denying the opportunity for them to interact with intracellular DNA to cause mutations. They show to be nonmutagenic and noncytotoxic at concentrations relevant to gel staining



Product Name




GelRed, 10,000 x in DMSO

0.5 ml

€ 129


GelRed, 10,000 x in water

0.5 ml

€ 134


GelGreen, 10,000 x in DMSO

0.5 ml

€ 113


GelGreen, 10,000 x in water

0.5 ml

€ 124



Check also, our other products here.



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Copyright 2009 Gentaur

Last modified: 05/27/09